Ref. No.
Date : 23-Feb-2025
Student Name :
Father's / Mother's Name :
Father's Occupation :
Date of Birth:
Gender :
Nationality :
Religion :
Category :
Hobby  :
Address :
Tel / Mobile No. :
Email :
Tel / Mobile No. :
Email :
Particulars Of Education :
Name of Board / University
Examination Passed
Year of Passing
% of Marks Obtained
Academic Distinction if any  :
Present Status  :
For which Examination are you preparing?
Course/ Class in which admission is required
Do you need Hostel/ Room facility

        I have read the Rules & Regulation given below of CAREER IAS I am agree and accept given below rules & regulations and will abide by them.
        If any information given by the candidate in the application/Admission form found incorrect or false in future the name of such candidate may be struck.
        The decision of the director will be final.
I Confirm that, I am taking admission in
Course Sub.:
Rules & Regulation:
  1. All students who are admitted to any course in the institute are expected to abide by the rules and regulations.
  2. Every students is expected to maintain Discipline in and outside the class-room. In case of violation of any of the rules of discipline the institute reserves the right dismiss any student without any refund of fee.
  3. The institute reserves the right of change the teacher, time table or venue of holding classes at any time.
  4. The photo of student is compulsory and can be used by the institute for publicity.
  5. The fee once paid shall nighter be refunded nor adjusted under any circumstances.
  6. Absence from the classes without the prior permission of directors, institute reserves the right dismiss / rusticate any student without any refund of fee.
  7. In all matter, the decision of the board of directors shall be final.
  8. The material supplied to the student is our copyright and is meant for the use be of student himself/herself only.
  9. The prospectus should not be used as a legal documents.
  10. Classes will be start after minimum eight students enrollment in the course.
  11. Constant negligence of classwork, disobedience, obscene behaviour, theft, violence and any type of misconduct will be considered serious offences and will lead to severe punishment or even expulsion from the institute or both.
  12. Student will be allowed to sit in the classroom unless all the dues have been in full up to date.
  13. The claim of refunding fee cannot be consider in any situation.
  14. The institute may take any decision which will deem fit and proper in the facts and circumstances of the case.
  15. All disputes subject to Delhi jurisdiction only.